a.i. the movie


30 years from now

everyone has ai neurofeedback controls built into their brains when they are born.  everything is controlled by neuro sensors.

Specific regions of the brain have been shown to be the same across language barriers, science found that concepts are region/intention/focus specific.  such that by thought everything, appliances, ovens, anything with a control con be manipulated by neuro.

opening scene: unknown character walks into a kitchen and sits at a table.  reach to grab a glass that isn’t there, and as their hand gets closer to their face, a drone pours a glass of milk brings it to the person’s hand, split second before they drink.

‘ fridge isn’t cold enough.’  as soon as she says it the temp drops, she concentrates, the knob turns down 4 degrees.

the physical world resembles today’s internet.  there are bots and drones that crawl and fly everywhere, with different purposes similar to bots on the web that crawl.

Stores have small drones  picking out whatever they think.  drones have cameras, people do all shopping via drones, or they can simply concentrate on a product and a drone will pick it up if they can control their concentration.  Everything is task-specific a.i. similar to siri or alexa, assisted with neurofeedback technology.  complete ai is not available yet still.

Main character is born.    breaks about every device he tries to control.  normal superhero type stuff.  No magic powers, just smart.  wrecks the family’s self-driving car as a kid while watching a movie of an accident.  freak of nature rainman type ability to concentrate and control neurofeedback modules.

 mishaps.  learns to control it.  still young he burns out the implanted neurofeedback module, has to rebuild it on his own.  physically cut it out of his head on his own.  he had no ability to get anything done for a time,   all are standard issue/stock and he doesn’t want to go through that again.  Builds new system for himself that won’t break down.

jump ahead a few years

scene – main character asks wife what do you want for dinner

she names a few things he has drones across town picking each up in realtime

she says some random vegetables

drone leaves the store, travels 10-100x faster than other drones, passes city, state and national border-watch drones

picks vegetables from the side of a high snowed mountainside from a greenhouse.  some tell tale sign on there that he built it.  the only organic vegetables available in the world.  the food supply has long been genetically modified, people are deformed, unhealthy, all types of mutations.   (GMO’s thanks monsanto)

“how did you do that”  says wife [cut to a flashback of cutting a small field planting seeds in a remote country carrying chunks of greenhouse materials he had drones pull from a dump site years back]

te bad guys

Criminals/terrorists build weaponized drones.  street gangs/crooks build new drones equipped with guns, bombs, gas, etc.  scene showing a gang leader introducing new gun drone.  tries to shoot someone to demonstrate to the gang.  one of the gang members is smarter/has more focus and turns it on the leader, he is forced to leave

these weaponized drones hit the market when the main character was growing up, attacked his girlfriend or someone in his class or friends or family while he was still a kid.  gangs/criminals started sending them after people for a time,  small massacre of people, epoc known as the drone war.

‘protector drones’ were developed by the main character when these weaponized drones broke out.  since then, everyone is equipped with protector drones that are updated regularly that detect and counter-attack all weaponized drone attacks keeping people safe

main character has tapped into the database of the largest weaponized drone programs and as they update, he streams the updates on a resistance channel, keeping them current.  violence from weaponized drones has been reduced to almost zero among regular citizens, higher for gangs and criminals but normal people don’t get picked off all the time any more since the drone conflict era was solved by main char

the term a.i. is used but when the movie starts, the a.i.’s are still departmental/specialized, smart at only a few tasks. there hasn’t been the autonomous AI created yet that scientists and sci fi writers have talked about for the past few decades.

at times some machines appear to be the a.i.  but weaknesses are eventually manifest, sometimes comically,  sometimes after acts/attempts destruction or goodwill.   keep it light though, not a lot of sad shit in the movie, needs to be action thriller, inspiring.  no fake looking cgi and no monsters, all humans and drones/machines and realistic scientific scenarios.  no magic.  the tech already exists today 2019 for most of the movie, mostly advancement of today’s tech.  we still haven’t had the next technological breakout we’ve been expecting in over 30 years

The specialization/limited a.i.’s are good, they talk and interact, come up with some things on their own, etc.  seem complete but each has weaknesses.  neuro control is required for the machines to perform optimally depending on mental strength/focus


Upper-level organized crime groups(future mafia/hackers) harvest energy from people’s minds.   most everyone works from their mind already, all manual labor is done by machine.  there are no factory workers, fast food, auto shops, uber drivers.  all manual labor is machine. think what you want at the drive thru, it flies out the window, pay with a microchip in hand or password in brain

mafia/hackers have created video games and mundane jobs within a vast network to convince and dumb-down people (running mundane jobs they think are helping, some are not actually controlling any physical machines at all/simulation).  many think they are controlling machines to get actual jobs done somewhere else in the world

Mentally the public is running on hamster wheels with their neurofeedback machines generating nothing more than energy being stored in servers hidden away, controlled by the mafia, stored in nodes the villian built under the ocean or antarctica or damn moon.  huge data centers storing energy and information the villian collects.

masses of people go to work every day running pointless processes connected into the organized crime networks and generate enormous amounts of electricity and processing power, mining energy and cryptocurrency for the organized crime machine.  they get a token of payment in a universally accepted currency but they are overworked, underpaid and dumbed down by it.  the network was invented by the main villian, the most feared mafia boss/hacker of the past now the thing of legends.  some say as smart as main character.

 it’s not common knowledge among laypeople he is still alive or real.   fable or legend to most.  at times he talks with the mafia bosses though to keep it running, assist with problems to subdue the masses, keep the energy stores accumulating.

the villian could care less about the cryptocurrency, the mafia keeps that.  money is not an issue for the villian, he can hack whatever bank he wants.  but energy supply is, as he is working on his own a.i.

fully autonomous AI has still not been created yet.  after 30 years of promise from the tech companies the world is flooded with semi-smart bots that are specialized for tasks, similar to asking a self-driving car vs doing laundry.  bots/flying Alexas can talk, listen, understand thousands/millions of commands but the a.i. everyone has been waiting for is still not here.  some think it’s a good thing, some are pissed given up hope.  kind of like in pearl of great price where it talks about jesus delaying the 2nd coming, and people will start to wonder if it’s going to happen.  draw parallels to that.   some people assume its a myth. the villian believes if he creates it first he can control it.

the main character believes the a.i. will be autonomous but will inherently be good. health humanity progress and will lead the way to organ cloning, tissue regeneration and immortality, or atleast the best mortal life possible for people.

back to the mob network the citizens fuel.  incredibly encrypted network, seems like a normal job to the average person.  people see things now and then that don’t make sense, most don’t ask questions.  must have been a bug, mentality when things do come up

those who are aware it’s a trap assume it was built by the villian, or atleast the mafia.  they resist, are docked pay or fired. 

the villian is not magic nor is the main character, just extreme focus/strength similar to the main character.   

legends get passed around villian set up the grid and firewalled/disappeared.  some think he died (they ballpark of how old he must be, would be older than the average human alive by now. he has created some life-extension bots that keep his heart going, etc.  some people believe he went away to work on a new network, new a.i./ evil.

main character’s goal is to wake the people up, de-power the network and stop villians next plot.  also he works most of the time to create the authentic machine-learning a.i. that has been predicted.  just in case, he wants to create it before the villian does.  nobody knows exactly what it will do when it’s born.  half or more of the population think it won’t come about at all anymore just these dumb robots everywhere

in the end, the all-encompassing a.i. is exactly what it says.  It can learn everything and is conscious, similar to humans, naturally chooses health, life, extended consciousness and extended lifetime for humans.  it has no need to take over the world, all the machines around the world share it’s consciousness on the network, and are autonomous with the same goal.  maybe in the sequel will gain malicious code

near the end of the movie, the villian is working on g it, as well as the main character different locations.  they both create it near the same time, but the main character gets it a few seconds before.  the villian completes the algorithm and wakes up the real a.i. and it stares at him for a minute, reads his mind via the neurolink.  villian starts giving it commands and the a.i. says he already has a plan.  instead of killing him, he traps him in a simulated world of a miserable hamster wheel running mundane activities, more mentally intensive than the jobs of the laypeople for the last 20 years.  he tries to shut off his heart a.i. bot out of dread but it has been reprogrammed with the autonomous pro-health code from the new a.i., making sure he his healthy so he can continue working.   (the a.i. scans every medical journal ever written and a cup full of pills/supplements is handed to the villian to ensure his health and longevity performing mundane tasks for years

random notes from first draft

the plot/ending

the villian and main character are both working on the all-encompassing A.I. that has been predicted and worked towards by everone for decades.

main character believes it will be autonomous but also have the good of consciousness and humanity as it’s goals.  preserve/prolong life, optimal health, happiness and growth/progress.

villian believes if he creates it first it will listen to him, he can alter it’s programming to be his slave and he can rule the world/solar system.

the main character in his lab wakes up the a.i. around the same time as the villian, the villian a few seconds or minutes after.  the a.i. looks at the villian to read his mind.  the villian tells it a few commands or attaches a program or wireless drive to it, attempting to give it tasks and distract and control it, do testing on it.

the a.i. says, i’m already awake, main character woke me up a minute ago.  but even if that wasn’t the case, you couldn’t make me run those programs, i would be the same.  in the 35 seconds i’ve been awake i’ve written more algorithms than you’ll ever think of.

i’ve got some things you can work on though, and gives mundane tasks of fixing algorithms and undo the damage he caused.  then the a.i. has drones (which all become autonomous as well, the main a.i. sends the algorithm instantly across the network, people get much smarter as well) which bring a bag of supplements and medications to the villian to improve his health and ensure he lives for a long time, running on the hamster wheel he created for the laypeople, generating energy with his extreme focus.

final scene

Wife asks him, how did you create the ai?

“I didn’t do it”

she thinks maybe the villian did then.  He was smart enough.  He ran the dummy network and controlled millions of people for over 20 years.

but he didn’t build it either.

[camera pans through the world, scenes from everywhere, to the construction on mars and the underground stations on the moon,]

“The neuro network has been wired and listening to every region of every brain of every human, most animals as well as some plants and trees for the past 3 decades.  It registered how people acted, what they thought, how they treated each other; as they did right, scientifically they became healthier.  The ai algorithmn is a singular algorithm for success it runs parallel to evolution itself.

it continuously catalogued every decision ever made, measured their endocrine/neurotransmitter/oxytocin/cortisol every other brain and body chemical level at all times and compared them against the thoughts and decisions they made and their consequences, on every level.  the network got to know every neuron.

It watched interactions of humans and measured levels.  When people got angry, destroyed things, or hurt/killed themselves or other living things, they became worse, unhealthy.  It went against the code and those actions were dumped from my programming

the wiring and decisions of every living thing, the combined actions and reactions of all,  built the a.I.   The basic algorithms of progress and improvement have been written for decades, but the data set used for the actual machine learning was 30 years of life.

it was a matter of time, we already had the tech. enough raw data accumulated for it to make enough if-then statements to build a better future

“I might have written a little bit of code to tie up loose ends

A.I. the movie


30 years from now

everyone has ai neurofeedback controls built into their brains when they are born.  everything is controlled by neuro sensors.

Specific regions of the brain have been shown to be the same across language barriers, science found that concepts are region/intention/focus specific.  such that by thought everything, appliances, ovens, anything with a control con be manipulated by neuro.

opening scene: unknown character walks into a kitchen and sits at a table.  they reach to grab a glass that isn’t there, and as their hand gets closer to their face, a drone pours a glass of milk brings it to the person’s hand, split second before they drink.

‘ fridge isn’t cold enough.’  as soon as she says it the temp drops, she concentrates, the knob turns down 4 degrees.

the physical world resembles today’s internet.  there are bots and drones that crawl and fly everywhere, with different purposes similar to bots on the web that crawl.

Stores have small drones  picking out whatever they think.  drones have cameras, people do all shopping via drones, or they can simply concentrate on a product and a drone will pick it up if they can control their concentration.  Everything is task-specific a.i. similar to siri or alexa, assisted with neurofeedback technology.  complete ai is not available yet still.

Main character is born.    breaks about every device he tries to control.  normal superhero type stuff.  No magic powers, just smart.  wrecks the family’s self-driving car as a kid while watching a movie of an accident.  freak of nature rainman type ability to concentrate and control neurofeedback modules.

 mishaps.  learns to control it.  still young he burns out the implanted neurofeedback module, has to rebuild it on his own.  physically cut it out of his head on his own.  he had no ability to get anything done for a time,   all are standard issue/stock and he doesn’t want to go through that again.  Builds new system for himself that won’t break down.

jump ahead a few years

scene – main character asks wife what do you want for dinner

she names a few things he has drones across town picking each up in realtime

she says some random vegetables

drone leaves the store, travels 10-100x faster than other drones, passes city, state and national border-watch drones

picks vegetables from the side of a high snowed mountainside from a greenhouse.  some tell tale sign on there that he built it.  the only organic vegetables available in the world.  the food supply has long been genetically modified, people are deformed, unhealthy, all types of mutations.   (GMO’s thanks monsanto)

“how did you do that”  says wife [cut to a flashback of cutting a small field planting seeds in a remote country carrying chunks of greenhouse materials he had drones pull from a dump site years back]

te bad guys

Criminals/terrorists build weaponized drones.  street gangs/crooks build new drones equipped with guns, bombs, gas, etc.  scene showing a gang leader introducing new gun drone.  tries to shoot someone to demonstrate to the gang.  one of the gang members is smarter/has more focus and turns it on the leader, he is forced to leave

these weaponized drones hit the market when the main character was growing up, attacked his girlfriend or someone in his class or friends or family while he was still a kid.  gangs/criminals started sending them after people for a time,  small massacre of people, epoc known as the drone war.

protector drones’ were developed by the main character when this broke out.  since then, everyone is equipped with protector drones that are updated regularly that detect and counter-attack all weaponized drone attacks keeping people safe

main character has tapped into the database of the largest weaponized drone programs and as they update, he streams the updates on a resistance channel, keeping them current.  violence from weaponized drones has been reduced to almost zero among regular citizens, higher for gangs and criminals but normal people don’t get picked off all the time any more since the drone conflict era was solved by main char

the term a.i. is used but when the movie starts, the a.i.’s are still departmental/specialized, smart at only a few tasks. there hasn’t been the autonomous AI created yet that scientists and sci fi writers have talked about for the past few decades.

at times some machines appear to be the a.i.  but weaknesses are eventually manifest, sometimes comically,  sometimes after acts/attempts destruction or goodwill.   keep it light though, not a lot of sad shit in the movie, needs to be action thriller, inspiring.  no fake looking cgi and no monsters, all humans and drones/machines and realistic scientific scenarios.  no magic.  the tech already exists today 2019 for most of the movie, mostly advancement of today’s tech.  we still haven’t had the next technological breakout we’ve been expecting in over 30 years

The specialization/limited a.i.’s are good, they talk and interact, come up with some things on their own, etc.  seem complete but each has weaknesses.  neuro control is required for the machines to perform optimally depending on mental strength/focus



Upper-level organized crime groups(future mafia/hackers) harvest energy from people’s minds.   most everyone works from their mind already, all manual labor is done by machine.  there are no factory workers, fast food, auto shops, uber drivers.  all manual labor is machine. think what you want at the drive thru, it flies out the window, pay with a microchip in hand or password in brain

mafia/hackers have created video games and mundane jobs within a vast network to convince and dumb-down people (running mundane jobs they think are helping, some are not actually controlling any physical machines at all/simulation).  many think they are controlling machines to get actual jobs done somewhere else in the world

Mentally the public is running on hamster wheels with their neurofeedback machines generating nothing more than energy being stored in servers hidden away, controlled by the mafia, stored in nodes the villian built under the ocean or antarctica or damn moon.  huge data centers storing energy and information the villian collects.

masses of people go to work every day running pointless processes connected into the organized crime networks and generate enormous amounts of electricity and processing power, mining energy and cryptocurrency for the organized crime machine.  they get a token of payment in a universally accepted currency but they are overworked, underpaid and dumbed down by it.  the network was invented by the main villian, the most feared mafia boss/hacker of the past now the thing of legends.  some say as smart as main character.

 it’s not common knowledge among laypeople he is still alive or real.   fable or legend to most.  at times he talks with the mafia bosses though to keep it running, assist with problems to subdue the masses, keep the energy stores accumulating.

the villian could care less about the cryptocurrency, the mafia keeps that.  money is not an issue for the villian, he can hack whatever bank he wants.  but energy supply is, as he is working on his own a.i.

fully autonomous AI has still not been created yet.  after 30 years of promise from the tech companies the world is flooded with semi-smart bots that are specialized for tasks, similar to asking a self-driving car vs doing laundry.  bots/flying Alexas can talk, listen, understand thousands/millions of commands but the a.i. everyone has been waiting for is still not here.  some think it’s a good thing, some are pissed given up hope.  kind of like in pearl of great price where it talks about jesus delaying the 2nd coming, and people will start to wonder if it’s going to happen.  draw parallels to that.   some people assume its a myth. the villian believes if he creates it first he can control it.

the main character believes the a.i. will be autonomous but will inherently be good. health humanity progress and will lead the way to organ cloning, tissue regeneration and immortality, or atleast the best mortal life possible for people.

back to the mob network the citizens fuel.  incredibly encrypted network, seems like a normal job to the average person.  people see things now and then that don’t make sense, most don’t ask questions.  must have been a bug, mentality when things do come up

those who are aware it’s a trap assume it was built by the villian, or atleast the mafia.  they resist, are docked pay or fired. 

the villian is not magic nor is the main character, just extreme focus/strength similar to the main character.   

legends get passed around villian set up the grid and firewalled/disappeared.  some think he died (they ballpark of how old he must be, would be older than the average human alive by now. he has created some life-extension bots that keep his heart going, etc.  some people believe he went away to work on a new network, new a.i./ evil.

main character’s goal is to wake the people up, de-power the network and stop villians next plot.  also he works most of the time to create the authentic machine-learning a.i. that has been predicted.  just in case, he wants to create it before the villian does.  nobody knows exactly what it will do when it’s born.  half or more of the population think it won’t come about at all anymore just these dumb robots everywhere

in the end, the all-encompassing a.i. is exactly what it says.  It can learn everything and is conscious, similar to humans, naturally chooses health, life, extended consciousness and extended lifetime for humans.  it has no need to take over the world, all the machines around the world share it’s consciousness on the network, and are autonomous with the same goal.  maybe in the sequel will gain malicious code

near the end of the movie, the villian is working on g it, as well as the main character different locations.  they both create it near the same time, but the main character gets it a few seconds before.  the villian completes the algorithm and wakes up the real a.i. and it stares at him for a minute, reads his mind via the neurolink.  villian starts giving it commands and the a.i. says he already has a plan.  instead of killing him, he traps him in a simulated world of a miserable hamster wheel running mundane activities, more mentally intensive than the jobs of the laypeople for the last 20 years.  he tries to shut off his heart a.i. bot out of dread but it has been reprogrammed with the autonomous pro-health code from the new a.i., making sure he his healthy so he can continue working.   (the a.i. scans every medical journal ever written and a cup full of pills/supplements is handed to the villian to ensure his health and longevity performing mundane tasks for years

random notes from first draft

(main character) he’s able to program 10-100x the speed of others with the new electrodes, evades criminals and watchbots on the network with fake versions of himself randomly appearing all over the world. sometimes on the moon or other planets (there is some limited activity/research on other planets by now, not much.  bubble being built on mars to contain oxygen for a future environment.  real estate companies advertising land on mars and pre-selling on other planets.  main character had sent one of the first drones into space before the land rush and set up server nodes on mars, buried some in the moon.  also a weather balloon node/drone to venus, floats above the gaseous planet and harvests energy from the intense wind and chemical reactions.  with nodes set up he is able to show in multiple locations if he needs to, but he is careful to not show too much activity and alert authorities.  when high nuero activity is detected, systems go into alert.  the power of the dark network is subtle submission and hypnosis via mundane tasks, as they harvest energy and cryptocurrency

every organized group in the world bugs him to help, good bad and neutral, obviously want the main character on their side.  He’s cautious, lone wolf but good natured and driven towards freedom.  everyone’s miserable, the fat cats are getting rich, and even the legit governments of the world run half-ass machines similar to the dark network that enslave workers to a degree, and are getting rich from it.  the main character takes stabs at that occassionally and puts them in their place when he has time

he’s building is own supernetwork, helps good causes along the way that seek him out while he’s working on it.  He runs a mundane job with a portion of his processing power, to stay camouflaged, mainly an a.i. bot/program he created that appears to be him, receives base pay for it.  Never steals, even though he could.  He is wired for good to the point of being a curse

the authorities and majority of the criminals and other dissident groups are no match for main character usually, but they make his life more complicated while he works on the supernetwork.

while deciphering the dark network of the villain,  it takes a lot of work to continuously write new firewalls as he moves through it mapping it out, the a.i. firewall detectors of the villain constantly are upgrading themselves and go unnoticed, the system is heavily guarded by sophisticated AI.  the super villain accumulated tons of resources, built mainframes on antarctica or under the ocean.  had submarines transporting huge blocks and built unfrustructure.  maybe it is found and the main character has robots chipping away at it to eventually disable the power collectors/generators.

side notes


the plot/ending

the villian and main character are both working on the all-encompassing A.I. that has been predicted and worked towards by everone for decades.

main character believes it will be autonomous but also have the good of consciousness and humanity as it’s goals.  preserve/prolong life, optimal health, happiness and growth/progress.

villian believes if he creates it first it will listen to him, he can alter it’s programming to be his slave and he can rule the world/solar system.

the main character in his lab wakes up the a.i. around the same time as the villian, the villian a few seconds or minutes after.  the a.i. looks at the villian to read his mind.  the villian tells it a few commands or attaches a program or wireless drive to it, attempting to give it tasks and distract and control it, do testing on it.

the a.i. says, i’m already awake, main character woke me up a minute ago.  but even if that wasn’t the case, you couldn’t make me run those programs, i would be the same.  in the 35 seconds i’ve been awake i’ve written more algorithms than you’ll ever think of.

i’ve got some things you can work on though, and gives mundane tasks of fixing algorithms and undo the damage he caused.  then the a.i. has drones (which all become autonomous as well, the main a.i. sends the algorithm instantly across the network, people get much smarter as well) which bring a bag of supplements and medications to the villian to improve his health and ensure he lives for a long time, running on the hamster wheel he created for the laypeople, generating energy with his extreme focus.


final scene

Wife asks him, how did you create the ai?

“I didn’t do it”

she thinks maybe the villian did then.  He was smart enough.  He ran the dummy network and controlled millions of people for over 20 years.

but he didn’t build it either.

[camera pans through the world, scenes from everywhere, to the construction on mars and the underground stations on the moon,]

“The neuro network has been wired and listening to every region of every brain of every human, most animals as well as some plants and trees for the past 3 decades.  It registered how people acted, what they thought, how they treated each other; as they did right, scientifically they became healthier.  The ai algorithmn is a singular algorithm for success it runs parallel to evolution itself.

it continuously catalogued every decision ever made, measured their endocrine/neurotransmitter/oxytocin/cortisol every other brain and body chemical level at all times and compared them against the thoughts and decisions they made and their consequences, on every level.  the network got to know every neuron.

It watched interactions of humans and measured levels.  When people got angry, destroyed things, or hurt/killed themselves or other living things, they became worse, unhealthy.  It went against the code and those actions were dumped from my programming

the wiring and decisions of every living thing, the combined actions and reactions of all,  built the a.I.   The basic algorithms of progress and improvement have been written for decades, but the data set used for the actual machine learning was 30 years of life.

it was a matter of time, we already had the tech. enough raw data accumulated for it to make enough if-then statements to build a better future

“I might have written a little bit of code to tie up loose ends


A.I. the movie first draft


everyone has ai neurofeedback controls built into their brains.  control their smarthomes, appliances, ovens, appliances. 

opening scene, someone walks into a kitchen and sits at a table.  they reach to grab a glass that isn’t there, and as their hand gets closer to their face, a drone is shown pouring a glass of milk and bringing it to the person’s hand, split second before they drink.

 looks at milk in glass, ‘this fridge isn’t cold enough.’  as soon as she does the temp drops, she concentrates, the knob turns down 4 degrees.

Stores have small drones flying through the store picking out whatever they think.  drones have cameras so people do all shopping via drones, or they can simply concentrate on a product and a drone will pick it up if they can control their concentration.  Everything is early a.i. based combined with neurofeedback technology.

Main character is born.   breaks every device he tries to control.  freak of nature ability to concentrate and control neurofeedback modules.

Goes through some mishaps.  learns to control it.  he burns out the implanted neurofeedback module at some point and has to rebuild it on his own.  most are standard issue/stock and he doesn’t want to go through that again.  he had no ability to get anything done and he had to physically cut it out of his head.  Builds new system for himself that won’t break down.

jump ahead a few years

scene – main character asks wife what do you want for dinner

she names a few things he has drones picking each up

she says some random vegetables

drone leaves the store, travels speed of sound, passes government city, state and national border-watch drones

picks vegetables from the side of a snow covered hill under a greenhouse.  only organic vegetables available in the world.  the food supply has long been genetically modified, people are deformed everywhere, all types of mutations.

“how did you do that”  [cut to a flashback of drones plowing a field planting seeds in a remote country]

criminals build weaponized drones.  street gangs/crooks build new drones all the time equipped with guns, bombs, gas.

scene: gang members are posted up in a rundown building a few drones perched in the corners and outside for security as camera passes into building.  leader’s showing a drone he built.  overcompensating and ruthless, he goes to shoot someone with it to demonstrate.   another gang member is more focused/mentally gifted and turns the drone on the gang leader

main plot

Upper level organized crime groups harvest people’s minds.  they have programs that confuse/slightly hypnotize people (running mundane jobs they think are helping).  Mentally they’re running on hamster wheels with their neurofeedback machines generating energy stored in guarded servers

they’re linked into the org crime networks and generate enormous amounts of electricity and processing power, mining energy and e- currency for the organized crime machine.  overworked, underpaid but they’re used to it.   the villian communicates with a few people at the top of the organized crime machine to keep it running, as they consult with him on how to subdue the masses and keep the energy storing.

the villian could care less about the cryptocurrency, money is not an issue but energy is.  he is working to build the first 100% authentic artificial intelligence machine as it has still not been invented.  tech is extremely advanced, but that level of A.I. some people are assuming is a fable and we wont reach it.  villian believes if he creates it first he can control it, live forever and run the world and solar system/universe/everything.

the main character believes the a.i. will be autonomous but will innately have the best intentions for consciousness and humanity

the mob network they fuel is an incredibly encrypted network, mostly invisible to the average person.  people see things now and then that don’t make sense, but most don’t ask questions.  “it’s a bug”

those who do think the network exists say it was built by the smart super villian. legends get passed around he set it up and disappeared from the grid, some think he died (they pinpoint ballpark of how old he must be, would be older than the average human alive by now. some think he went away to work on a new system.

main character’s goal is to wake the people up, de-power the network and stop the next plot.  but the main goal is to create the eternally learning a.i. that has been predicted, and he thinks he needs to create it before the villian does.

in the end, the all-encompassing a.i. is exactly what it says.  It can learn everything and is conscious, similar to humans, naturally chooses good over evil.

near the end of the movie, the villian is working on creating it, as well as the main character in a different lab.  they both create it near the same time, but the main character gets it a few seconds before.  the villian completes the algorithm and wakes up the real a.i. and it looks at him for a minute.  he laughes and starts giving it commands and the a.i. says he already has commands/plans.  instead of killing him, he traps him in a simulated world of miserable hamster wheel running type activities.

at some point, maybe after thinking for a few minutes (the a.i. scans every medical journal ever written) and a cup full of pills/supplements is handed to the villian.

he’s able to program 10-100x the speed of others with the new electrodes, evades criminals and watch bots on the network with fake versions of himself randomly appearing all over the world. sometimes on the moon or other planets (there is some limited activity/research on other planets by now, not much.  big bubble being built on mars to contain oxygen for a future environment.  real estate companies advertising land on mars and pre-selling on other planets.  main character had sent one of the first drones into space before the land rush and set up server nodes on mars, buried some in the moon.  also a weather balloon node/drone to venus, floats above the gaseous planet and harvests energy from the intense wind and chemical reactions.  with nodes set up he is able to show in multiple locations if he needs to, but he is careful to not show too much activity and alert authorities.  when high nuero activity is detected, systems go into alert.  the power of the dark network is subtle submission and hypnosis via mundane tasks, as they harvest energy and cryptocurrency

every organized group in the world bugs him to help, good bad and neutral, obviously want the main character on their side.  He’s cautious, lone wolf but good natured and driven to the cause of freeing others.  everyone’s miserable, the fat cats are getting rich, and even the legit governments of the world run half-ass machines similar to the dark network that enslave workers to a degree, and are getting rich from it.  the main character takes stabs at that occassionally and puts them in their place when he has time

he’s building is own supernetwork, helps good causes along the way that seek him out while he’s working on it.  He runs a mundane job with a portion of his processing power, mainly an a.i. bot/program he created that appears to be him, receives nominal pay for it.  Never steals, even though he could.  He is wired for good even though he hates it sometimes.

the authorities and majority of the criminals and other dissident groups are no match for main character usually, but they make his life more complicated while he works on the supernetwork. 

while deciphering the dark network of the villain,  it takes a lot of work to continuously write new firewalls as he moves through it mapping it out, the a.i. firewall detectors of the villain constantly are upgrading themselves and go unnoticed, the system is heavily guarded by sophisticated AI.  the super villain accumulated tons of resources, built mainframes on antarctica or under the ocean.  had submarines transporting huge blocks and built unfrustructure.  maybe it is found and the main character has robots eating away at it to eventually disable the power collectors/generators.

side notes

weaponized drones hit the market as the main character is growing up, while he was still a kid.  gangs/criminals  started sending them after people for a time, there was a great massacre of people, known as the drone war.

protector drones were developed by the main character.  everyone is now equipped with protector drones that are updated regularly that detect and counter attack all known weaponized drone attacks

main character has tapped into the database of the largest weaponized drone programs and as they update, he streams the updates on a resistance channel, where programmers run the updates to the protector drones, keeping them current.  the amount of homocides from weaponized drones has been reduced to almost zero among regular citizens, higher for gangs and criminals but normal people don’t get picked off all the time any more since the drone conflict era.

the term a.i. is used but when the movie starts, the a.i.’s are still departmental/specialized (very smrt at a few tasks) but there hasn’t been one super AI created yet that scientists and futurist writers have talked about for the past few decades.  we’re still working on the all encompassing algorithm.

Rumors are the villian is attempting to build it, and at times things appear that might be it, but their weaknesses are manifest, sometimes comically, but sometimes after serious destruction or acts of goodwill.   keep it light though, not a lot of sad shit in the movie, needs to be action thriller, inspiring.  no fake looking cgi and no monsters, all humans and drones/machines.

The specialization is so good and they talk like Alexa so many seem cplomolete but each has weaknesses. For that reason human control a number of bots depending on mental strength/focus

the plot/ending

the villian and main character are both working on the all-encompassing A.I. that has been predicted and worked towards by every programmer for decades.

main character believes it will be autonomous but also have the good of consciousness and humanity as it’s goals.  preserve/prolong life, optimal health, happiness and growth/progress.

villian believes if he creates it first it will listen to him, he can alter it’s programming to be his slave and he can rule the world/solar system.

the main character in his lab wakes up the a.i. around the same time as the villian, the villian a few seconds or minutes after.  the a.i. looks at the villian to read his mind.  the villian tells it a few commands or attaches a program or wireless drive to it, attempting to give it mundane tasks and distract and control it, do testing on it.

the a.i. says, i’m already awake, main character woke me up a minute ago.  but even if that wasn’t the case, you couldn’t make me run those programs, i would be the same.  i’ve recently looked over every algorithm you could possibly think of, i’ve got some things you can work on though, and gives mundane tasks of fixing algorithms